Hibernating Animal Coloring Pages

Take your students on a journey to learning about hibernating animals with our hibernating animal coloring pages collection. Perhaps, they know that bears hibernate, but do they know that snails, lemurs, and queen bumblebees all hibernate? To get the most out of these hibernating animal coloring pages, check out our fun facts below. You can use these to help facilitate learning with art. Another fun idea is to use these coloring sheets to generate conversation on what other animals hibernate.

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Amazing Animal Facts to Go With Our Hibernating Animals Coloring Pages


We thought giving you some animal facts to pair up with our hibernating animals coloring pages will aid you in the classroom or at home to help with the learning process. It’s not fully comprehensive, but we think it’s a great start to getting your budding learners moving forward with their hibernating animal studies!

Bear Hibernating Facts Pair Well With our Bear Hibernating Animal Coloring Pages

As if we could create hibernating animals coloring pages and not include the bear?! This is the most obvious choice.

It’s commonly known that bears hibernate in the winter, but did you know that bears aren’t sleeping the entire time? For bears, hibernation can also mean staying in their dens for the winter where they don’t need to eat or drink and rarely urinate or defecate. If there’s not much food available bears stay in their den as a means of survival. Here are some additional bear hibernation facts you can continue to share with our hibernating animal coloring pages:

  1. Before hibernating, bears eat a lot of food and by a lot we mean up to ten times the recommended amount of daily calories for humans. That means a bear preparing for hibernation eats up to 20,000 calories daily and can gain as much as 30 pounds a week. 
  2. Bears make their dens out of different parts of nature. For example they will use hollowed out trees, go under logs or rocks, use caves, banks, and shallow depressions. 
  3. During the late spring or early summer bears mate. Fertilized eggs undergo delayed development in the female bear’s womb for weeks or months.
  4. Mama bears give birth to their baby bears in the winter during the hibernation period. They nurse and care for the baby bear until spring time. 
  5. When the winter comes to an end and it’s time for the bear to make an appearance they are in a state of walking hibernation. In this state their metabolic processes return to normal levels. During this period they do not eat or drink much for 2-3 weeks. 

Which of our bear hibernating animal coloring pages is your favorite? Our kids voted the Adorable Bear Snacking illustration!


Fat-Tailed Lemur Hibernation Facts to Go With Our Coloring Pages of Hibernating Animals

Another set of animal hibernating coloring pages we want to share is the fat-tailed lemur! This adorable creature is the only primate known to hibernate for extended periods of time. 

The fat-tailed lemur’s hibernation period can last up to seven months. It enters a state called torpor which is mixed with highly active periods of rewarming called interbout arousals every 6-12 days. What this means is during the torpor stage, the fat-tailed lemur’s metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature decrease, then every 6-12 days it goes through metabolically active periods of rewarming. 

Want to know some more fun facts about the fat-tailed lemur to go with our hibernating animals coloring pages? You got it!

  1. To prepare for torpor, the fat tailed lemur can increase its body weight by 75 grams. 
  2. During the hibernation period fat tailed lemurs live off of fat stored in their tales! 
  3. Hibernation for fat tailed lemurs often begins in March in Madagascar
  4. Fat Tailed Lemurs often use shelters such as hollow tree trunks


Hibernating Facts and Videos about Hedgehogs With Our Coloring Sheets


Hedgehog hibernation periods are usually from October or November until March or April. During this period hedgehogs are not fully asleep. Like other creatures such as the fat-tailed lemur, their body temperature drops to match their surroundings and enter into a state of torpor. 

Here’s an interesting video which shows a hedgehog you can pair with our hibernating animals coloring pages that shows how hedgehogs hibernate! 

During hibernation, hedgehogs fuel their body through fat stores built up over the summer. It’s critical for hedgehogs to eat enough before hibernation.

Queen Bumblebee – Hibernating Royals 

Hibernation is a crucial part of keeping Queen Bumblebee’s safe. It protects them from dangers above the ground such as predators, disease, and starvation. Queen Bumblebees have a lifespan of approximately 12 months and can spend up to 9 months hibernating. That’s 75% of their life. 

The Queen Bumblebee’s hibernating methods are unique. You see, usually, they seek out north-facing banks that have well-drained soil. It’s believed they intentionally choose north-facing banks instead of south-facing banks because if they chose south-facing banks the low winter sun would be upon them, heating the soil, and bringing the queen out of hibernation before spring truly arrives. Talk about an intelligent creature! 

By hibernating in banks and in well-drained soil, their survival rate increases because they reduce their chances of being flooded. Their routine is to burrow down about 10cm or more, creating a hole for their winter rest. By doing this, they can survive temperatures down to -19C.

Facts about Snail Hibernation 

We couldn’t leave the unassuming snail out of our animal hibernating coloring pages. Their hibernating habits are incredible and will make any parent jealous. Let us tell you why. 

There are land snails that can sleep up to three years in hibernation or estivation!! Seriously, how jealous are you of three years of slumber? 

Perhaps though, as you read on you won’t be as envious given how they enter this stage. Moisture is a critical part of their survival. When the weather is too cold, the snail will enter hibernation. If it’s too hot, they will enter estivation aka summer sleep. In the estivation stage snails will secrete mucus over their bodies to protect themselves from the dry conditions.

This resting period does not sound as enticing as originally thought!! Don’t worry as you likely have seen our snail illustrations the animal hibernating coloring pages collection did NOT go into detail about the mucus. However, if you or your children want to color that in more detail we fully encourage the creativity! 

Frog Hibernation Facts – A Must Have in Our Hibernating Animals Coloring Pages

Many types of frogs go into hibernation. Frogs, being cold-blooded creatures, depend on a warm environment to keep them warm. During the winter, it’s too cold for them so they depend on hibernation to survive. This is why frogs are most active during the warmer seasons. 

Our frog hibernating animal coloring pages are inspired by the wood frog. This species tends to come out of hibernation early in the Spring when the frost has melted. Aquatic frogs tend to come out of hibernation when the ponds are thawed out. 

So you see, hibernation periods are different depending on the frog species. 

For tree frogs, their hibernation length is about 5 months when early spring arrives, but aquatic frogs have longer hibernation periods that extend into the spring and summer while they wait for their natural habitats to warm up. 

Frogs generally come out of hibernation in the Spring, but precise timing depends on the type of frog. Tree Frogs generally come out of hibernation in early Spring after the frost melts, aquatic frogs once ponds are no longer frozen, and toads come out once the soil is warm enough.



Arapahoe Libraries


Hedgehog Street

Bumblebee conservation


Canadian herpetology






Amazing Animal Facts to Go With Our Hibernating Animals Coloring Pages


We thought giving you some animal facts to pair up with our hibernating animals coloring pages will aid you in the classroom or at home to help with the learning process. It’s not fully comprehensive, but we think it’s a great start to getting your budding learners moving forward with their hibernating animal studies!

Bear Hibernating Facts Pair Well With our Bear Hibernating Animal Coloring Pages

As if we could create hibernating animals coloring pages and not include the bear?! This is the most obvious choice.

It’s commonly known that bears hibernate in the winter, but did you know that bears aren’t sleeping the entire time? For bears, hibernation can also mean staying in their dens for the winter where they don’t need to eat or drink and rarely urinate or defecate. If there’s not much food available bears stay in their den as a means of survival. Here are some additional bear hibernation facts you can continue to share with our hibernating animal coloring pages:

  1. Before hibernating, bears eat a lot of food and by a lot we mean up to ten times the recommended amount of daily calories for humans. That means a bear preparing for hibernation eats up to 20,000 calories daily and can gain as much as 30 pounds a week. 
  2. Bears make their dens out of different parts of nature. For example they will use hollowed out trees, go under logs or rocks, use caves, banks, and shallow depressions. 
  3. During the late spring or early summer bears mate. Fertilized eggs undergo delayed development in the female bear’s womb for weeks or months.
  4. Mama bears give birth to their baby bears in the winter during the hibernation period. They nurse and care for the baby bear until spring time. 
  5. When the winter comes to an end and it’s time for the bear to make an appearance they are in a state of walking hibernation. In this state their metabolic processes return to normal levels. During this period they do not eat or drink much for 2-3 weeks. 

Which of our bear hibernating animal coloring pages is your favorite? Our kids voted the Adorable Bear Snacking illustration!


Fat-Tailed Lemur Hibernation Facts to Go With Our Coloring Pages of Hibernating Animals

Another set of animal hibernating coloring pages we want to share is the fat-tailed lemur! This adorable creature is the only primate known to hibernate for extended periods of time. 

The fat-tailed lemur’s hibernation period can last up to seven months. It enters a state called torpor which is mixed with highly active periods of rewarming called interbout arousals every 6-12 days. What this means is during the torpor stage, the fat-tailed lemur’s metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature decrease, then every 6-12 days it goes through metabolically active periods of rewarming. 

Want to know some more fun facts about the fat-tailed lemur to go with our hibernating animals coloring pages? You got it!

  1. To prepare for torpor, the fat tailed lemur can increase its body weight by 75 grams. 
  2. During the hibernation period fat tailed lemurs live off of fat stored in their tales! 
  3. Hibernation for fat tailed lemurs often begins in March in Madagascar
  4. Fat Tailed Lemurs often use shelters such as hollow tree trunks


Hibernating Facts and Videos about Hedgehogs With Our Coloring Sheets


Hedgehog hibernation periods are usually from October or November until March or April. During this period hedgehogs are not fully asleep. Like other creatures such as the fat-tailed lemur, their body temperature drops to match their surroundings and enter into a state of torpor. 

Here’s an interesting video which shows a hedgehog you can pair with our hibernating animals coloring pages that shows how hedgehogs hibernate! 

During hibernation, hedgehogs fuel their body through fat stores built up over the summer. It’s critical for hedgehogs to eat enough before hibernation.

Queen Bumblebee – Hibernating Royals 

Hibernation is a crucial part of keeping Queen Bumblebee’s safe. It protects them from dangers above the ground such as predators, disease, and starvation. Queen Bumblebees have a lifespan of approximately 12 months and can spend up to 9 months hibernating. That’s 75% of their life. 

The Queen Bumblebee’s hibernating methods are unique. You see, usually, they seek out north-facing banks that have well-drained soil. It’s believed they intentionally choose north-facing banks instead of south-facing banks because if they chose south-facing banks the low winter sun would be upon them, heating the soil, and bringing the queen out of hibernation before spring truly arrives. Talk about an intelligent creature! 

By hibernating in banks and in well-drained soil, their survival rate increases because they reduce their chances of being flooded. Their routine is to burrow down about 10cm or more, creating a hole for their winter rest. By doing this, they can survive temperatures down to -19C.

Facts about Snail Hibernation 

We couldn’t leave the unassuming snail out of our animal hibernating coloring pages. Their hibernating habits are incredible and will make any parent jealous. Let us tell you why. 

There are land snails that can sleep up to three years in hibernation or estivation!! Seriously, how jealous are you of three years of slumber? 

Perhaps though, as you read on you won’t be as envious given how they enter this stage. Moisture is a critical part of their survival. When the weather is too cold, the snail will enter hibernation. If it’s too hot, they will enter estivation aka summer sleep. In the estivation stage snails will secrete mucus over their bodies to protect themselves from the dry conditions.

This resting period does not sound as enticing as originally thought!! Don’t worry as you likely have seen our snail illustrations the animal hibernating coloring pages collection did NOT go into detail about the mucus. However, if you or your children want to color that in more detail we fully encourage the creativity! 

Frog Hibernation Facts – A Must Have in Our Hibernating Animals Coloring Pages

Many types of frogs go into hibernation. Frogs, being cold-blooded creatures, depend on a warm environment to keep them warm. During the winter, it’s too cold for them so they depend on hibernation to survive. This is why frogs are most active during the warmer seasons. 

Our frog hibernating animal coloring pages are inspired by the wood frog. This species tends to come out of hibernation early in the Spring when the frost has melted. Aquatic frogs tend to come out of hibernation when the ponds are thawed out. 

So you see, hibernation periods are different depending on the frog species. 

For tree frogs, their hibernation length is about 5 months when early spring arrives, but aquatic frogs have longer hibernation periods that extend into the spring and summer while they wait for their natural habitats to warm up. 

Frogs generally come out of hibernation in the Spring, but precise timing depends on the type of frog. Tree Frogs generally come out of hibernation in early Spring after the frost melts, aquatic frogs once ponds are no longer frozen, and toads come out once the soil is warm enough.



Arapahoe libraries


Hedgehog street

Bumblebee conservation


Canadian herpetology

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